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December 16, 2006

epidurals and sucking

A new study links epidurals with low breastfeeding rates and suggests that it's the effects of the drug on the baby that are responsible. (Babies initial sucking abilities may be impaired from the chemicals in the epidrual). We're all for investigating epidural side-effects and for breastfeeding for that matter. But the link between epidural use and low breastfeeding surely has something to do with the mother's personal choice in the matter?? It seems reasonable to expect that the woman who does everything under the sun to have a drug-free birth will likely pursue breastfeeding with the same determination. Of course we have no study to prove this, but it seems logical to at least take the priorities of the mother into account. We also know plenty of women who breastfed for ages and ages (and soon) after an epidural birth. Maybe they are all the excpetions? Or maybe they are people who just wanted both epidurals and breastfeeding?

by ceridwen at 2:17 PM
in birth | breastfeeding


My sister gave birth a few days ago, with an epidural, and her little one has a very strong little suck! I'm not saying that breaksfeeding has been a cake-walk for them, but the epidural drugs don't seem to have made a difference in how much the baby is able to suck.

comment by Jolayne at October 6, 2008 7:16 PM

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